@ Ute Center, Woodland Park, Colorado
From October 27 - 28, 2023
Mother, it's time to know God to influence your Children!
You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, whey you lie down, and when you rise up. Deuteronomy 6:5-7
Mother, ever feel like you're constantly going through emotional instability, stressed out, anxious and loosing your children but does not know what to do?
If so, you are ready to embrace the new thing that God wants to do in your life and that of your children.
Come, relax, refresh, renew and receive the touch of God's refreshing love you have been longing for!
Connect with mothers from different generations and backgrounds when you come together in worship, prayer, learning from uplifting messages, refreshing time in the presence of God alone, attend inspiring time alone with God and build lasting connection with other mothers in Christ.
Our incredible lineup of speakers, Mycel Acquaah-Mensah, Karen Brakefield, Darci J. Steiner, Jennifer Waddle, are Christian speakers, mothers and grandmothers who are determined to help you understand how making God the center of your home changes everything and makes the motherhood journey easier.
Leave refreshed, restored and encouraged to see the new thing God wants to do in your life, unlocking your full potential as a mother with God!

Mycel Acquaah-Mensah
Mycel is the founder of Living Your Ultimate Potential, pastor, author, speaker and counselor. Her passion is to share the unconditional love and gospel truth of God with people. She believes that every person was created with a purpose and needs to identify that purpose.

Karen Brakefield
Pastor Karen Brakefield was born and raised in Minnesota. She was married to her husband, Mike, for 48 years. He went home to be with the Lord in 2016. They have 6 children, 16 grandchildren and one great granddaughter. She attended the Institute of Ministry and was ordained as a Pastor. She served as pastor on the White Earth Indian Reservation serving the Ojibwe Native Americans for 18 years. She is currently attending Charis Bible College in Woodland Park, Colorado.

Darci J. Steiner
Darci J. Steiner has served in full-time ministry and assisted with church planting in Denver and Los Angeles. In 2001, Darci nearly lost her life after a debilitating fall down on the stairs in her home. During her recovery, she earned her masters of science degree in Holistic Nutrition and implemented natural remedies into her diet that helped save her life. Darci is an award winning author and a nutritionist.

Jennifer Waddle
Jennifer Waddle is a Biblical mentor and the author of "Prayer WORRIER: Turning Every Worry into Powerful Prayer." She is also an online contributor for Christian Ministries such as Lifeway, Crosswalk, Abide. With a heart to encourage women who feel stuck in faith and life. Jennifer offers a listening ear, faithful prayer and Biblical encouragement at www.encouragementmama.com - a place where "Discouragement doesn't win!"

What to Expect!
Friday, October 27, 2023
6:45 p.m. - Doors Open/Resource Area Open
7:15 p.m. - Prayer Ministry
7:30 p.m. - Welcome / Worship
7:55 p.m. - Announcements
8:00 p.m. - Offering
8:10 p.m. - Mycel Acquaah-Mensah
After Session - Prayer Ministry/Resource Area Available
Saturday, October 28, 2023
8:45 a.m. - Doors Open/Resource Area Available
9:00 a.m. - Prayer Ministry
9:30 a.m. - Worship
10:00 a.m. - Welcome/Announcements
10:10 a.m. - Offering
10:20 a.m. - Darci J. Steiner
11:00 a.m. - Break Session Begins
11:10 a.m. - Breast feeding — Tad
11:30 a.m. - Jennifer Waddle
12:10pm - Lunch
Break - Prayer Ministry/Resource Area Available
12:30 p.m. - Relax, Refresh, Renew (Time alone with God)
1:00 p.m. - Karen Brakefield
1:50 p.m. - Creative Performance
2:00 p.m. - Gloria Debrah
2:20 p.m. - Mycel Acquaah-Mensah
After session - Prayer Ministry/Resource Area Available
A time spent in God's presence is never wasted! Come to be refreshed!
Equipping Mothers for Christ - One Mother at a Time!

Brenda Bourgoin
My biggest take away from the Summit was how we can still be with our kids in prayer even when we can not be physically with them. I love the idea of praying for our children's future husband and grand kids, my daughter is only 15 years old and I never thought of that before so thank you. It was a great summit with some great stories being shared.
Thank you your sister in Christ
Cecilia Cyril
mOTHER, Grandmama and great grand mother
The powerful reliance of all speakers on the Word of God and their deep seated faith. Prayer at all times and in all places, had been " the house built upon the rock" , when rains of doubt, winds of frustration, gales of worries and floods of physical or financial constraints, could not shake the foundation. I liked most of the speakers quoting the example of Hannah. Knowing and accepting that God is in control at all times.
An eye opener to me was: Allow children to teach you, Teach children " to hunger and thirst for God ",Respect and appreciate the differences in each child Listen to your children. The speakers were awesome, from the mother " waiting at the window , with running shoes for the return of the Prodigal child" to the mother who gave a new definition to prayer," Pour out your heart before the Lord ". All their life situations have proved that when" God is with you, Who can be against you ".( Romans 8 v 31).
I loved this Summit . I appreciate and thank you Mycel for the efforts taken , to bring these esteemed speakers , share their life stories, so that as moms and grandmothers and a great grandmother, we know that parenting is a gift from God , who equips us fantastically and wonderfully for this journey. May God abundantly bless you, in your future projects.
God Loves You