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It was very enlightening to read your book " Moms secret strength" , with appropriate Scripture quotes. The 5 minutes drill is a priceless exercise.
Who does not face" emergency challenges with their children " and that is when we seek God. Yes the importance given to reading the Bible and proclaiming that God and God alone is our ONLY priority, despite the plethora of materialistic distractions filling our lives, is remarkably stressed by the author . Her quotes are "one of a kind" and Prayers before and after birth are heartwarming.
This book is essential for "mothers to be" and every mother and grandmother could pray the Morning and Evening prayers with their children and grandchildren ; as these prayers are straight from the heart of Mycel.
- Cecilia Cyril

Thank you again . By the way, the excerpts I read from your book were encouraging, practical, and comforting for Moms! I wish you the very best in getting it out to Moms who sit in prayer for their children of all ages!
Carolynn J. Scully - Author / Speaker

Mycel Acquaah-Mensah has done it again with her new book, "Mom's Secret Strength: A Comprehensive Prayer Guide For Mothers To Pray For Their Children." Being a mother is not easy! Doing it with Jesus is the best plan! In these pages you'll find hope, how-tos, encouragement and inspiration. Buy a copy for yourself and some to give away. Bravo!
Marnie Swedberg - Speaker, Author, Mentor

Why I Wrote This Book!
Mom’s Secret Strength is a comprehensive guide to help mothers pray for their children before and after birth. God’s love and your love can shepherd them through every stage in their life, from infancy to adulthood.
I have three children of my own, two young adults and one teenager. God has been central to our home and has helped my husband and me in bringing them up, even when life has taken me to a different country to seek a better life for my family.
I want to share what has helped me as a mother to maintain my home and introduce our children to God. Together we will find strength in our motherhood journey.
Mom's Secret Strength book is for you if you're a mother who wants to know:
what people say

Ardent participant
The powerful reliance of all speakers on the Word of God and their deep seated faith. Prayer at all times and in all places, had been " the house built upon the rock" , when rains of doubt, winds of frustration, gales of worries and floods of physical or financial constraints, could not shake the foundation.
I liked most of the speakers quoting the example of Hannah. Knowing and accepting that God is in control at all times.
An eye opener to me was:
Allow children to teach you,
Teach children " to hunger and thirst for God ",
Respect and appreciate the differences in each child
Listen to your children.

Ellen Morgan
Your summit was such a blessing to me as a mother. I have been praying very hard for a daughter of mine, Melody in the past few weeks. The Lord has been waking me up in the middle of the night to pray for her. So this summit was providential and such an encouragement to me.
Thank you again and God bless your ministry!
Above are some of the testimonies of the participants who attended our 2022 Summit for Mothers.
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