God Wants to Give You Rest
Are you anxious, worried and confused about your life and what will happen tomorrow? Learn how God wants to give you rest in your day-by-day life.
There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His (Hebrews 4:9-10).

Rest is defined as ceasing from work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength. Rest and receive all that God has already provided for you through Jesus Christ.
The believer’s rest is in Christ’s finished work on the cross, (Matt. 11:28-30). Rest is not inactivity but harmonious involvement in God’s program. To enter into God’s rest is to enter into God’s best. Have faith in what Christ has done!
The Bible in Matthew 11:28-30 says; “Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest…….” This is one of the most gracious commands in the Bible, Jesus’ invitation to come (Come Now) speaks to all who are oppressed by routine, monotony, overwork, responsibility, and tension. Those who are heavy laden endure something that is laid on them from an outside source, causing what we would today call “burnout.” Jesus form of rest is not absence of work but rejuvenation and refreshment, believing in Him.
In Jesus day, taking the yoke of another meant coming under that person’s leadership and walking in that person’s footsteps. When you take Jesus’ yoke, you place yourself under His dominion. Only then will you enjoy the day-by-day release from stress that God intended.
The rest that God has in store for His people is peace with Him now and eternal life in His presence, this should motivate us to persevere in our faith rather than giving up.
God wants you to come boldly to Him without fear of being turned away, you never need to hide or omit anything in your prayers.
What Should You Do?
- Believe in the finished work of God
- Have peace of mind knowing that you already got the answers to every problem through Christ.
- Have hope in God that He wants the best for you.
- Appreciating the little things in your life.
- Trusting God and not giving up.
God gives mercy for past failures and grace for present needs. Trust God!
Consider this:
- Are you resting in Christ’s finished work?
- Do you depend on your own strength to change your situation?
Prayer: Father, You are faithful in all Your ways. Help me Lord to rest and receive the finished work of Christ on the cross for me, that whenever I’m going through any difficulties, I’ll remember the victory You have already won for me.
Read: Hebrews 4:1-10, Matthew 11:28-30