What is the Meaning of Life?
What is the meaning of life? Have you ever wondered what at all is the meaning of life? Here is how to find out the source of life.

“Vanity” of vanities,” says the Preacher, “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.” What profit has a man from all his labor in which he toils under the sun? (Ecclesiastes 1:2-3)
Life is meaningless (futile, absurd) unless God is acknowledged.
In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon was on a mission to discover the meaning of life. He pursued ultimate meaning in wisdom, in mirth and material possessions, and in works. And he found that when pursued as ends in themselves, they held no lasting satisfaction. Not one of these pursuits on its own gave meaning to life.
The totality of human effort and even human accomplishment is utterly futile. So what are the fundamental realities of life under the sun? Solomon’s conclusion is that life is meaningless when people do not acknowledge God. The only way to any satisfaction or joy in this life – though incomplete until eternity is to recognize Him as the giver in the midst of it.
Think about this, the persistent movement and rhythms of nature do provide an order to life on earth, but they really change nothing long term (Psalm 104:5). How much less do humans toil? Therefore, it is pointless to live only for this life, for there will be no remembrance of what has been in later generations. After all, you don’t own your life, God gave it to you, so why don’t you live for Him who gives meaning to the life He has given you.
We are here today and gone tomorrow. Fear God (i.e. reverential awe) and recognize God’s sovereignty over all life. The one who fears God recognizes that He gives meaning to every area of life and that no area of life has meaning apart from Him.
A person’s life can be filled with meaning when he or she decides to be satisfied with the things God has provided.
Consider this:
- How do you see life?
- Do you live your life as someone who owns it?
Prayer: Father, thank You that You are the source of life and You are guiding me to know that life without You is meaningless. Help me to focus and acknowledge You as my Lord! Amen!
Read: Ecclesiastes 1:1-8
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