Wisdom to know What you Have
Do you want to live a victorious life but having difficulty to understand how? Here is how you can find wisdom to know what you have.
That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened,…. (Eph. 1:17-18)

Paul does not pray that the Ephesian believers will receive some new revelation from God but that they will understand the revelation God has already given them, especially concerning the spiritual riches that are ours in Christ. So, if you are a believer, you must truly know Christ, not just obtain knowledge about Him. Understanding can also be translated “heart” which includes the intellect, emotions, and will. The heart is the channel through which God imparts the truth about His Son. Such understanding is unavailable to the natural (nonspiritual) person.
The natural man is a person who does not have the Spirit of God living within him or her and does not benefit from hearing the Word of God. The natural man is not able to receive, to welcome, embrace, to make the Word their own. The natural self cannot take in the things that are revealed by the spirit.
God was not satisfied with possessing suns and stars; He wanted children and saints. This is God’s inheritance, not humanity’s; believers are His inheritance. God has made His power available towards us in strength, might, and dynamic which belongs to the believer who will use it. His mighty power is anchored in heaven itself, since the Lord not only raised Jesus from the dead but took Him bodily into heaven and seated His at His right hand, a place of authority and power.
Having the wisdom and understanding of what Christ has already done for you gives you the power to live a victorious life. Personally knowing this victorious Christ enables believers to face the trying circumstances.
Because of Christ’s great power, no sinner is beyond rescue, and no saint beyond recovery!
Consider this:
- Do you understand what you have in Christ?
- Are you taking back what the devil stole from you by receiving the wisdom of what is available to you?
Prayer: Father, thank You for the gift of today. Thank You for giving me the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You. Amen!
Read: Ephesians 1:15-23