Your Provision is over There
Are you afraid to move to your next level in life because of the uncertainties at the other end? Your provision is over there, where God is sending you.

And it will be that you shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there (1 Kings 17:4).
In 1 Kings 17, a new prophet enters the story (Elijah) and he will live up to his name, “Yahweh is My God.” The Canaanites believe that Baal controlled the rain, so they understood Elijah to be declaring that his God had power over theirs. By this time there had been no dew or rain for six months. In Israel’s agricultural economy, this meant famine, followed by pestilence, then death.
What has the Lord been asking you to do that you are scared of the uncertainties and wants to make sure you are well equipped and have provided for yourself before you obey by moving to your ‘there?’
Over and over again, the text says, The word of the Lord came to Elijah. Elijah’s response here is typical: So he went and did according to that divine word (1Kings 18:1-2). His obedience is what made him successful in his service. The way of faith is step-by-step obedience before the Lord, as He instructs, His servants obey one command, and then He gives another. Christians need not ask about tomorrow when today is before them.
Your provision is in your obedience to God’s word to move to where He is asking you to go. For that is where He has commanded His blessings, but until you go ‘there’ you will not be fed by Him and all your own efforts will be struggle. Elijah, obeyed God’s word and did according to all that He commanded him and his obedience to God gave him confidence to do greater works.
Seeing the greatness of Almighty God changes one’s perspective on trouble!
Consider this:
- What is preventing you from obeying the command of God to go ‘there?’
- Are your circumstances stopping you from taking a step of faith to obey God?
Prayer: Father, great is Your faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see! I want to obey Your word to do and go where You want me to be, so help me God. Amen!
Read: 1 Kings 17:1-10