8 Ways To Live A Fearless Life
The word “Fear Not” appears 365 times in the Bible. This means that every day in a year, you can take one pill of “Fear Not” knowing and trusting that God is with you always because it’s His promise to you and He is a good Father. These eight (8) ways will help you to live a fearless life.
You can be fearless and brave when you put your hope and trust in God!
Fear and anxiety can last for a short time and then pass, but they can also last much longer and you can get stuck with them. In some cases they can take over your life, affecting your ability to eat, sleep, concentrate, travel, enjoy life, or even leave the house or go to work or school. Fear is a weapon from the devil to keep you from progressing in life to achieve your purpose.
The Bible says in Isaiah 43:1 – But now, thus says the LORD, who created you, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by by your name; You are Mine!
These are the eight (8) ways you can live a fearless life:
- Renew Your Mind
- Put off concerning your former conduct (repent) and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, walking in the new life Christ has given you. (Ephesians 4:17-24) (Change your mind and God will change your heart).
- You must daily choose to live God’s way, (Put on the new man, Romans 12:2).
- Spiritually disciplined: participating in your spiritual growth by getting involved in the things of God, e.g. spending time with through the studying of the bible, praying and going to church.
- Accept who you are in Christ and believe in what God has said concerning your life.
- Focus on things that will add up to your life, not take from it.
2. The most important reason to make the right decision at the right time
In the book of Ruth, we read the story of how Elimelech decided to move his family from Bethlehem (house of bread) when there was famine to Moab. He and both of his two sons died. Ruth, his second daughter-in-law decided to follow her mother-in-law to a strange land and make Naomi’s God her God.
Her right decision brought her into the lineage of Christ and brought redemption for us all. When you start to walk in God’s way, He will direct you. If you sit back, however sorting through the options until everything makes sense, you will never discover God’s will. Proverbs 3:5-6
3. Why living without a purpose doesn’t work and what to do about it
- You allow yourself to be controlled by circumstances.
- You are easily persuaded and controlled by others.
- You accept and do whatever comes to your mind and move that direction.
- You allow people to control your life. And live according to the way other people think you should live.
- Because you do not have any goal for your life, you cannot achieve anything in life and you life a defeated life.
What to do
- Go to the source of your life (God).
- Have a personal relationship with Him.
(Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created, Rev. 4:11).
- Be connected to God. (Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me, John 15:4).
4. The number three (3) reasons you must act now
- It relieves of stress.
- It relieves you from the uncertainties of tomorrow.
- You are able to accomplish your purpose in life.
5. The biggest mistake of negative words and how to avoid it
Words are powerful, they create and manifest in a forms of a blessing or a curse. So if it’s negative, it counteract the blessings of God for your life.
Six steps to live a productive life by your words
- Take the promises in God’s word and confess it over your life every day.
- When someone says something negative about you, immediately refuse those words.
- No matter how your children provoke you, never curse them with your words.
- Pray against any foundational words spoken over you by your parents, grandparents, class teacher, family member or other people.
- Let your words be seasoned with blessings.
- Every morning make positive declaration over your life.
6. The easiest way to guard your mind
- Putting God first in your day-to-day life and making Him the priority of everything in your life.
- Studying the word of God. Spending quality time with Him everyday.
- Not living according to the dictate of this world, by comprising with things of this world
7. Three simple strategies to grow in your thinking
- Love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength, this is the first commandment (Mark 12:30).
- Be serviceable (love your neighbor as yourself)
- Be teachable, fearless and brave
8. The method I used to stay positive
- Putting God first in all that I do.
- Having a personal relationship with Him, living daily in His presence
- Seeing God as the source of my life and depending on Him for the answers to every question in my life.
- Accepting who I am in Him and who He is in me.
- Loving God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength.
- Talking to Him first in every situation.
You can all live a fearless and brave life when you acknowledge that God is with you and He has promised never to leave you nor forsake you.
Let your conduct be without covetousnesss; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5
Get two chapters of my New Journal Fearless and Brave for FREE! Visit https://bemyneenterprise.com for souvenirs on Fearless and Brave Journal and also precious gifts for your loved ones.
This journal, Fearless and Brave helps you to reflect of your life, the pain of your past or now which is keeping you from progressing in life. There are questions and activities that will help you to think through your life.
It is a good resource for any group or groups who wants know how to live a fearless life. For the next 60 days, I’m offering a free SPEAKING ENGAGEMENT to any group who will invite me on this topic. I will show you the strategies to live a fearless life.
Life has meaning only when God is the context for it all!
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