Surviving Life’s Storms
“And a great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that it was already filling. But He was in the stern, asleep on a pillow. And they awoke Him and said to Him, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing? Mark 4:37-38”
The storm on the Sea of Galilee serves as a metaphor to remind us that no one is exempt from life’s storms just because you follow Christ. As was true for the disciples here, tempests can burst upon His people’s lives even when:
- They are near Him
- They are doing nothing wrong and everything right
- No sin separates them from Him
- They are perfectly in His will.
So rough weather should never surprise us (1 Pet. 4:12, 13). In fact, Scripture says that storms will come our way (John 16:33) but Jesus assures us that we should be of good cheer for He has overcome the world.
Because it is surrounded by mountains the Sea of Galilee is particularly liable to sudden storms, but this one was so severe that even the professional fishermen among Jesus’ disciples (Peter, James, John, and Andrew) were afraid for their lives. (Do You not care that we are perishing?). Safety, however, is not the absence of trouble but rather, the presence of Jesus. The Lord has command over all things including nature, even when it does not appear that way from a human perspective (Ps. 65:7, 104:6, 7).
When Jesus and the disciples shoved off from the shore that day, He knew the storm was coming, yet He didn’t prevent it. Why? First, He knew He would be with them through it. Second, He wants us to have faith in Him, no matter how small or big the storm may be.
In all of life’s storms, you must remember that Jesus is in the boat with you. He is present; He is in control; nothing surprises Him; He has not forgotten you or your plight. If you know this, you can trust that He will bring peace into every situation (John 14:27; 16:33) – no matter how tempestuous your surroundings – and land you safely at His intended destination.
His presence brings His people peace in any storm!
Consider this:
- Are you trying to solve your problems without Christ?
- Do you trust that God will bring you peace in every storm?
Prayer: Thank you Lord Jesus that You are my present help in time of trouble and has promised never to leave me nor forsake me. Help me to remember this always.