The Talent
God has entrusted each one of us with talents, a property, in proportion to our own personal ability. To one He gave five talents (about $5,000), to another two, and to another one.
God has entrusted each one of us with talents, a property, in proportion to our own personal ability. To one He gave five talents (about $5,000), to another two, and to another one.
God has entrusted each one of us with talents, a property, in proportion to our own personal ability. To one He gave five talents (about $5,000), to another two, and to another one. The talent God gave to these three individuals was to invest them into something profitable. He expects you to be productive in your area of expertise, impacting other lives with your talents.
I never thought to be unique, valuable or have the potential for anything good in life. The verbal and emotional abuse, hearing constantly from my stepmothers of how useless I was and good for nothing, created a certain negative picture in my mind about myself and life as a whole, which lived with me for decades.