Contentions and Divisions are Sin

As Christians, we are to stand for unity and peace in all we do. This is why contentions and divisions are sin if not addressed properly .
Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgement (1 Corinthians 1:10).
Paul pleads as a brother rather than commanding as an apostle. The word for contention (strife) is also found in Romans 1:29, (“murder” and “deceit”). Unity does not mean that believers agree all the time, but a great difference stands between a caring, concerned question and contentious, strife-ridden comment.
Unity is not union (“being connected to another”), uniformity, (“being exactly like one another”). It is an organic oneness based on Christ as the common center. As Christians we are not required to create unity but to keep the unity that already is ours in Christ.
The Greek word for divisions is schismata, from which comes the word schism. It is used in the NT to describe the tear in a garment (Matt. 9:16), a difference of opinion, or feeling of alienation or inward separation. Divisions and contentions destroys homes, churches and society and should not be entertained. It is the breeding ground for every evil and confusion.
Whenever you hear some reports about what a brother or sister or church member has done, don’t jump into conclusions or react immediately even though it might come from a reliable or credible source, do a follow up, verify to know what exactly is going on. Sometimes what you heard might not be true and your negative reaction may cause you to sin.
If God by His grace gives everyone a unique task in the church, then there is no reason for people to think more highly, or lowly, of themselves than they ought to!
Consider this:
- Why is there divisions among your household or church?
- Is Christ the common center of your union?
Prayer: Father, I thank You for Your grace that binds us together in Christ Jesus, to live at peace with everyone. Help me not to be the center of confusion in my home or church. Amen!
Read: 1 Corinthians 1:10-17