Growing deeper in your Christian faith is knowing Christ for yourself, that is, having a personal relationship with Him and also knowing who you are in Him.
The first step to have everything in Christ is to accept Jesus Christ into your life as your Lord and Savior.
“That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved, Romans 10:9 (NKJV).”
Now that you are born again in Christ, you have been adopted into the family of God.
And as a child of God, you are not just chosen by God, in His grace, you are adopted, accepted, redeemed, sealed, and secured in Christ. One thing I know is, we all did not come begging to God, God came after us and made us His own.
And now you can know beyond all doubt that you are His. From eternity past to eternity future, you are in Christ.
“For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, everything got started in Him and finds its purpose in Him Colossians 1:16 (MSG).”
Through Jesus you have peace, you enjoy membership in the body of Christ, you have the gifts and the fruit of the spirit with which to serve that body; and you are empowered to walk as the light of the world, in love and wisdom, and to stand against the enemy.
In other words, through Him, you have absolutely everything you need to live a godly life and to accomplish your purpose in life.
But most Christians including and me, do not know who they are in Christ and the riches of the glory of His inheritance in us believers. So we live like orphans, defeated and without hope, which shouldn’t be.
I knew about the promises of God for my life but I allowed my past experiences to dictate how I should live, forgetting that as a child of God, I’m blessed with every spiritual blessing and I have an inheritance in Christ Jesus.
I did not understand how to accept these blessings into my life and live by that accordingly. You can be a Christian and live a defeated life if you don’t realize the abundance of riches you have in Christ.
So as you begin reading the Bible, you apply the promises of God in every area of your life where you feel defeated.
In the book of Ephesians, Paul details the spiritual blessings of every Christian. In Eph. 1:3-15, Paul shows us the blessings we have in Christ;
1. God has given those in Christ every spiritual blessing needed for the spirit, soul, and body; for the past, present, and future; for salvation and service; for time and eternity, both now and forever.
The spiritual blessings believers have in Christ encompass every need and aspect of their lives.
The blessing is not one of the earthly blessings that will pass away but a spiritual blessing that will endure forever.
2. God chose you for Himself to be His special possession. God is love, and love does not wish to live alone. By definition, love requires a relationship and you are His love.
3. Predestined means, God chose you for His purpose and determined that His purpose would be your adoption as a son or daughter. He has given you all the corresponding rights and privileges – including free and unlimited access to the Father. He has assigned you the same status as Jesus, Romans 8:29.
4. Your relationship with the sinless Christ is what makes you acceptable before God.
5. The term Redemption recalls the word ‘forum’, a place in ancient cities where slaves were bought and sold. You have been redeemed from the bondage of sin and freed by the shed blood of Jesus Christ 3:24
6. The mystery here is not referring to a secret but a truth that has previously been unknown. The mystery of God’s will focuses on God’s great plan to center all things both in heaven and on earth in His Son, Jesus Christ.
7. Your inheritance consists of the promise of eternal life with God and all the spiritual blessings the heavenly Father supplies until then. God does not only gives you inheritance but you make up His inheritance.
8. When something is sealed, it is marked with the owner’s name and secured as being his or her possession. God has marked you as His very own by sending His Holy Spirit to live in you. The Holy Spirit Himself is the seal.
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Until next time, live with purpose!