Life In His Presence

Life in His presence is simply dwelling, living and staying aware of God’s presence with you always and the blessings you gain from dwelling in His presence.
Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night (Psalm 1:1-2).
The word blessed means “happy” or inward joy is theirs.” An exclamation of strong emotion, it results from deep reflection on a subject. That is, those with destitute hearts sense their spiritual need and seek after God. They have the advantage and the great joy of being able to cry out to God for help.

The psalmist paints a picture of the gravitational pull of evil. The counsel of the ungodly refers to advice that encourages people to live evil lives without concern for righteousness or obedience to God. The ungodly move from counsel to walking on the path to settling into the seat as they embrace an evil way of life.
To delight yourself in the Lord, means having the pleasure to please Him, obeying His word, and living your life accordingly. He is your all in all, you are nothing without Him. He is your focus, your source of strength, your desire is to know more of Him.
And you spend time in His word, following His precepts, instructions, and the teachings of Him. You habitually or intentionally meditate, ponders, and studies His word day and night. You see Him as the lover of your soul, and every fiber of your being yearns to be in His presence.
Some devotions like my NEW devotional Quiet Talks with God will help you grow in the Lord.

When you are planted in His presence, you become like a tree nourished constantly by the supplies of water from the river (God, Himself). Storms will come, wind will blow, heat will burn, the snow will fall, but in all these you remain stable for your root is firmly planted in the Lord, who is your anchor.
You can endure any difficulty because the supply of grace drawn from the Word of God is what sustains you. Your faith is reflected by your delight in God’s Word and you live according to it. You shall bear fruit like a palm tree and flourish in the courts of our God. You shall always be flesh and flourishing.
Here are some questions to think about and reflect on:
- Who is your counselor? Who do you listen to or go to when you need help with any issue in your life.
- Do you delight yourself in the word of God and obey Him? Life in His presence means you desire to live in His presence, God becomes your priority and you desire to please Him with your life.
Anytime you read the word of God, you should meditate on what His word mean to your life and how to walk in it. This my journal Fearless and Brave will help you do that.

Obedience begins with a relentless quest to know and take to heart God’s Word, heeding to what He tells you!