How To Stay Aware Of God’s Presence

Staying aware of God’s presence is making an intentional effort to focus your mind and heart on Him throughout the day. Acknowledging His presence with you in every step of the way.
If this is not something you usually do or practice, you see yourself falling back into your way of life all the time, but give up, keep on and with the help of the Holy Spirit you will begin to be aware of the presence of God wherever you find yourself and also live for Him.
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21”
I remember when I first started to be conscious of God’s presence with me, I would sense His presence in during my devotional times in the morning, enjoy Him and all that , but immediately I begin my days’ work and chores, life begins to happen and I totally forget about the presence of God.

Something will happen or someone will say something I don’t want to hear to me and I will just give him or her my fleshy peace of mind and later regret what I said. But if I’m staying aware of God’s presence, my heart will prompt me to do the opposite.
So don’t beat yourself up or stop staying aware of His presence because you keep forgetting. We are all in this together. I haven’t arrived yet, but keep reminding and checking myself whenever I’m doing something which is not in line with God’s word.
Since we are in this fallen world, with the devil here with us, the temptations and satisfying the desires of the flesh will be constant but we should always remember that God is with us and we are more than conquerors through Christ who strengthens us.
Live fearless and brave!

Some steps to stay aware of God’s presence
- Have an early morning daily devotion.
Spending time with God in the mornings before you move out is very important thing to do. When you do that, you are telling God that your life depends on Him and without Him you can do nothing.
Understand that life starts and ends in His glory and who He is!
2. Keep your mind and heart on Him through out the day, focusing on His goodness and promises concerning your life.
Meditate on His word! Write down a memory verse on a card which you take out to read as often as possible in the day till the word gets stuck in your mind and heart.
FREE EBOOK of the steps to live in God’s presence!

3. Talk to God throughout the day in your conscious mind.
As you cannot see God physically, His Spirit (the Holy Spirit) is with you always, so you relate with Him through His Spirit. “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and truth, John 4:24.”
4. Acknowledge the presence of God with you always. Watch this video!
Live intentional and stay aware of His presence all the time. When you live your life to please God, He crowns you with glory and honor and favors you wherever you go.
God loves you and wants to have fellowship and relationship with you!