No one is too Bad to be Saved
Have you ever thought that you are not good enough to be saved? In this devotion, you will learn how no one is too bad to be saved.
Say to them: ‘As I live,’ says the LORD GOD, ‘I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel’ (Ezekiel 33:11)?

God always holds out the possibility of repentance for those who have strayed from Him. He always invites those who have rejected Him to turn around, change their ways and their minds, and begin to follow Him through faith. No one is too bad to be saved, any more than anyone is too good to need a Savior. Rather, He says to us all, “Behold now is the day of salvation.”
God does not want anyone to die in his or her evil ways; God does not take pleasure in having to punish the wicked who remain in their rebellion. Therefore, He calls everyone to repentance and says to them: You do not have to die! You can choose to live! Why should you choose death over life?
Because life offers no guarantee of tomorrow, today is the only acceptable time for sinners to respond. Similarly, God has given those of us who are saved the message of life. How can any of us believers remain silent?
On the other hand, Christians should always relay on the righteousness of God. When we begin to trust in our own righteousness when we presume upon God’s love and grace to the extent that we think we can engage in all kinds of wickedness and yet avoid discipline. A truly redeemed heart loves, to discover new ways to please God, not how it may commit sin with license.
Regardless of the sin someone has committed, God holds out His hands to that person and offers complete forgiveness.
Consider this:
- Why should you die, choose life?
- Do you think God does not love you enough to save you?
Prayer: Father, I thank You that You are my God and have forgiven me of all my sins. Help me not to remain silent but to share this message of life to the unsaved. Amen!
Read: Ezekiel 33:11-20