One Thing is Needful
Most people are occupied and worried about a lot of things that they miss what God has for them, but one thing is needful.
And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:41-42).
Like Martha, people can be so consumed with doing what they think they should that they miss what God wants. If there is anything more important than serving Jesus, it is simply being in His presence.
I have been asking myself these very questions and I want to ask you to. Looking at your life, are you Martha or Mary? Are you worried and troubled about many things in life? There is only one thing that is needful, that is being at Jesus feet (worship).
Being at Jesus feet and worshiping Him was more important to Mary than anything else in her life. In John 12:3, she demonstrated that it is more important to be occupied with Christ than to be occupied for Him. She anointed Jesus feet with a costly spikenard oil and wiped His feet with her hair (worship).
In Hebrew, to sit at someone’s feet means to learn from that person. The expression describes submitting to another’s teaching, authority, and ways of life. Mary showed her love for Jesus by positioning herself at His feet and other times as well. We worship Jesus with a sensitive heart when we follow Mary’s example of spending time at His feet. Real, fruitful ministry will follow.
Mary was also generous, she took the most honored part of her body, (her hair) and used it to clean the lowliest and dirtiest part of Jesus body (His feet). Mary’s own brother had died, but instead of using her costly perfume for his burial, she had been saving it “for the day [Jesus] burial (John 12:7).” What a picture of worship and sacrificial devotion! She lavished her most precious possession on her Savior, showing her complete submission and love for Him.
Desire and seek to be at Jesus feet always (relationship)
Consider this:
- Are you worrying or worshiping?
- What is the most important thing in your life now?
Prayer: Father, I will worship You, lift You high above the earth and the heavens! How excellent is Your name in all the earth, You have set Your glory above the heavens. Amen!
Read: Luke 10:38-42; John 12:1-8