Pain Turned Into Potential
Have you ever failed in doing something you were so convinced of its success? And later on that pain turned into potential that you never thought you have.

Pain comes in various forms, it can be in your marriage, children, friends, business, or project, and leaves you confused and asking yourself a question, how and why did this happen?
It a difficult season whenever anyone is going through any form of pain or hurt. I have been there and knows the feeling.
But take courage, it’s not the end of your life, ‘your setback is a setup for a better comeback.’
Learn From my Story
Let me tell you a story about a setback I experienced!
HopeFin Trust was doing well as a ‘Financial Non-for-Profit Organization’ until I introduced, Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA) concept. The VSLA program was good for the rural folks who even if they have the money were deprived of access to the commercial Banks due to the travelling distance to the Banks and the biggest problem their monies were very little to safe.
I knew about the conditions of these women and their families because my non-profit organisation had advocated for them in other areas of their lives. So with this issue I decided to find means of helping them.
Besides, before we can reach out to these communities out-skirt of the western region of Ghana with the VSLA concept, we will have to get some logistics in place and also operational and administrative cost has to be considered. So it can only be managed by getting grant to support the costs.
Against all odds, I started the VSLA without any grant, rather I thought, let’s get it started and we will be noticed and then request for grant to support it. So I borrowed monies from friends, thinking that at the end of the program, my written applications for grant will go through and also linking the VSLA groups to some Banks will yield something positive.

I was so sure of my plans going through and excited to help the women and their families have a better livelihood.
I know you might think I was a bit naive here; I get it, because I can’t build my assumptions on something I’m not sure of it success. And one can’t give what one don’t have…
I remember my husband’s note of caution about this move, ‘you can’t invest people’s money into a business that you’re not sure of the profit. ’Honey, I know this will work, I said.
You see, I was so sure that this will work out. And the outcome was what enticed me the more, at the end of program, parents, and single mothers will have some savings to expand their petty trading, educate their children and have a better livelihood.
This is awesome! My passion is adding value and making a difference in people’s lives and seeing them happy.
So I hired someone who was in-charge of the VSLA in my organization. We did assessment in forty-four (44) rural communities but started with twenty-two (22) of them. That’s a lot to begin with.
Many Lives Impacted
At the end of the year before the groups shared their savings, we had a meeting with the leadership of twenty-two (22) groups. It was exciting to hear the testimonies that were coming from them, how this program has helped their families, farm work and petty-trading.

Yes! I exclaimed! I have achieved my aim.
But that isn’t the end of the story, they were happy but I will have to find means of paying the loans I borrowed, since my grant request did not go through.
That’s when my problems started, people will be calling for their money and sometimes with threats. Some found out about where I live and where I go to church, and they will come to my house and church and will be shouting on top of their voices cursing.
I felt so ashamed, disgraced and couldn’t bear the shame that was affecting my husband and children. Thank God for working out all things for my good.
Painful Moment Inspired a Potential
But, when I thought I’ve lost everything, God did not lose me, He was there with me. He promised to turn my worries to worship and my pain to His plans, and that’s exactly what He has done with my life.
He inspired me to write my first book Discover to Recover: how to identify your potential by changing your mindset and second book on it’s way and also I began blogging to encourage other people who are going through pain and hurts.
Don’t Give Up, There’s Still Hope
Life may count you out but God counts you in! You may be written off by people but God writes you in. The greater your struggle, the greater your blessing.
Be encouraged my dear, for the Lord will transition you. Your best is yet to come, move on and walk in the favor of the Lord. Your pain will be turned into your potential.
For when you put your loneliness in the hands of God, He turns it into longings. Though your situation seems hopeless, hope in the One who gives abundantly, God loves you and cares about your life. You will surely come out of that situation only believe in Him.
That’s all for now! Live with purpose!