Take Time to Refocus on Christ
How do I take time to refocus on Christ? You may have walked with God for sometime, and now that desire is no more. Here is how to refocus your life again.
But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out saying, “Lord, save me!” (Matthew 14:30)
What you focus on becomes magnified, especially in fearful circumstances. Peter decided to leave the apparent safety of the boat and rely totally on Jesus – until the wind caught Peter’s attention. Whenever you divert your eyes from Jesus in the midst of a storm, your circumstances assume prominence, and just like Peter, you lose heart and begin to sink. The difference between fear and faith is focus.
Though we are in this world, we are not of this world (John 15:19). God has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of His Son. Therefore, we’re not under the control and dictate of this world, we belong to the kingdom of God where there’s no struggle or pain as we keep our focus on Christ.
Fill up your vision with Jesus Christ. Take time, make time, to consider who He is and to remember what He has done for you. When life gets confusing and once-sure goals and convictions become fuzzy, push aside nagging worries and lesser thoughts, and lock your gaze on God’s Son. This is more than an intellectual exercise, as Paul assures us in 2Corinthians 3:18; the more we focus on Jesus, the more we become like Him.
Christ by whom all things were created, is the preeminent Sustainer in whom all things consist and hold together!
Consider this:
- Who do you turn to when you are going through difficulties?
- Is Christ the center of your life?
Prayer: Father, I thank You, for You are before all things and the Sustainer of all lives. In times of trouble help me to keep my focus on You. Amen!
Read: Matthew 14:22-33