The Failure of Asa
Then Asa brought silver and gold from the treasuries of the house of the LORD and of the king’s house, and sent to Ben-Hadad king of Syria, who dwelt in Damascus, saying, “Let there be a treaty between you and me, as there was between my father and your father. See, I have……. (2Chron. 16:2-3).
How could it be that this king Asa, who had stood so tall in times of victory and revival, had deviated in his own spiritual work until he again depended on his own strength and wisdom? We know the answer. Even though God has shown His strength on our behalf, humans are prone to forget His power.
Some people say that we grow in our ability to trust God as we get older, that one experience of faith builds on past experiences of faith, and when we have trusted God for great things in other times, it gets easier to trust Him this time for even greater things.
But the more practical reality seems to be that every new step of faith in life comes just as hard as the first one. What’s more, every principle we learn from the Word of God seems to get tested to the limit.
Yes, our spiritual muscles develop through the exercise of faith, but our spiritual fitness is just like workout to keep us strong today. It is still the day to day walk of faith, our daily choice to trust God, that makes the difference.
Consider this:
- Do you depend on your own strength and wisdom to get things done?
- Do you walk by faith daily, trusting in God?
Prayer: Father, I want to thank You for Your grace and mercies toward me. Help me Holy Spirit to live all my life before You and depend on You always, Amen!
Read: 2Chronicles 16:1-15
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