The Human Dilemma

There are times in our lives when we question why things are not going as we expected. This human dilemma happens to us all especially when our focus is on the “self” instead of God.
Until I went into the sanctuary of God, then I understood their end. Psalm 73:17
Asaph was a Levite appointed by David to minister before the ark of the covenant in Jerusalem (1Chron. 16:37). When David brought the ark to Jerusalem, Asaph was among those who led the people in celebration and song (1Chron. 16:1-36; note the psalm recorded there). He was faithful and obedient to the law.
He had a pure heart and innocent hands. But there was a time when he could not perceive the goodness of God. At a point of pain, pressure, and problems in his life, this bothered him so terribly that it created a deep resentment in his heart.
He came close to slipping off the foundation of his faith, because while he understood that God truly had been good to Israel, he could look around his life and see things that did not make sense, such as the ungodly apparently being blessed (Psalm 73:1-16). Until he “went into the sanctuary of God,” that is, then he “understood their end” (Psalm 73:17).
By the conclusion of this psalm, Asaph had realized; he had God in heaven, his ‘portion forever,’ while those who are far from God and who have deserted Him will lose their souls in eternity (73:26-27). He was the classic human dilemma; God’s was the eternal solution.
Do you find yourself in the same dilemma as Asaph? It seems like the people you know who are not Christians and very ungodly are prospering but you who truly serve God is struggling.
Like Asaph, until you get into the presence of God, to know His word concerning the wicked and the ungodly, you’ll keep on being frustrated by them. But you have God as your portion and your eternal glory. And you will begin to experience eternity on earth before you go to heaven when you focus on what you have in God through Christ.
Consider this:
- Do you know the word of God concerning the wicked and the ungodly?
- Do you know that God is your portion and your eternal glory?
Prayer: Father, I thank You for not casting me out of Your presence even at time when I thought You were against me which wasn’t true. Help me to remember always that You are my portion and my eternal glory. Amen!
Read: Psalm 73:1-17
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