The Power of Your Possession

Do you seek for eternal life but the power of your possession is becoming a hindrance to you? Here is the reason why you need to let go one to get the other.
Now as He was going out on the road, one came running, knelt before Him, and asked Him, “Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” (Mark 10:17)
In the ancient Middle East, it was considered undignified for a man to run; however, this one threw his respectability to the wind, rushed to Jesus, and fell on his knees before Him. The man recognized that he was missing something important – eternal life, but he did not understand that salvation is about what God does for sinners rather than what they do for God.
In the first century world, for a wealthy man to give up all his possessions (in this case, all his real estate) meant a demotion in social class. Were the wealthy man to follow Jesus command, he would have lost not only the cushion of wealth, he would in effect undergo a social demotion and have to start a whole new life with a faith community that refused to make money or class the basis of its pecking order. So, in effect, this rich young ruler’s priorities were the problem, not his possessions.
The Bible presents no data to support the idea that being wealthy is wrong. In fact, we find evidence to the contrary. “The blessings of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it.” (Prov. 10:22). Scripture also offers many notable examples of godly, wealthy people, Job, Abraham, Nicodemus, Mary, Martha, Lazarus, Joseph of Arimathea, Philemon etc.
So, God does not disapprove of people with money. But He does speak out against those who rely on riches, as this young man did; “He who trusts in his riches will fall” (Prov. 11:28). But Jesus answered again and said unto them, “Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God!” (Mark 10:24). Amos and James in particular also warn against hoarding riches, exploiting the poor, and refusing to help those in need (Amos 4”1-3; James 2”14-16, 5:3).
It is your attitude toward your wealth that matters to God, because your attitude will determine how you manage the possessions He entrusts to you.
Consider this:
- What is holding you back from receiving Christ into your life as your personal savior?
- Do you rely on the possessions God has entrusted you with more than Him?
Prayer: Father, thank You for Your grace and love towards me, help me to recognize is missing in my life, turn to You and accept Your eternal life and blessing. Amen!
Read: Mark 10:17-22

Identify your potential by changing your mindset. A Life-Changing book from Mycel! Through this resource I want to help you trust God to renew your mind and to embrace all that He has for you.