The Symbolism of Passover
So this day shall be to you a memorial; and you shall keep it as a feast to the LORD throughout your generations, Exodus 12:14
God commanded the Hebrew people to keep the feast of Passover as an everlasting ordinance, and Jewish people still do. They commemorate this night when God miraculously protected their ancestors from the plague of death; most, however, do not understand that the Passover ultimately points to the redemption brought by Christ.
The roasted flesh of the lamb was to be accompanied with bitter herbs, reminding the children of Israel of their bitter bondage in Egypt. Their haste in eating, combined with their clothing, represented their readiness to travel. So did the unleavened bread.
Some Bible teachers claim that leaven was prohibited because it was a symbol of sin. If that were the case, then leavening would have always been prohibited. The reason for commanding unleavened bread is given in Exodus 12:34-39, with the description of the actual Passover. The first Passover meal was prepared with urgency because the people had no idea when they were to leave. Properly prepared, raised bread is a time-consuming task. Unleavened bread could be made much more quickly.
The Passover lamb itself prefigured Jesus (John 1:29, 36; 1Cor. 5:7) – the perfect and sinless Lamb of God (2Cor. 5:21; 1Pet. 2:21, 22; 1John 3:5). The sacrificial blood, painted on the door frames of the houses not only saved the Hebrew people from the curse of death, it pointed to the shed blood of Jesus and His defeat over eternal death (Rom. 6:9).
Consider this:
- What does death of Christ mean to you?
- Do you know that Christ is your Passover Lamb who has taken away your sin?
Prayer: Thank You Father for sending Your only begotten Son to die for my sins, my Passover Lamb. Help me to receive and accept what you have already done for me. Amen!
Read: Exodus 12:1-30
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