We are Nothing without Christ
There is a way that seems right to us, especially when we are receiving good feedback from our works. But we are nothing without Christ, how?

I am the vine, you are the branches, He who abides in Me, and I in him bears much fruit, for without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).
We can do nothing without seeing Christ as the source of our lives and abiding in Him. You cannot be fruitful in anything you do, including ministry, marriage, work, raising children, health and finances without Him. He holds the key to every aspect of our lives.
I have never seen a branch that has fallen from the main vine bearing fruit on its own. Just as the branch gets its nutrients from the vine of the tree, so do we get our strength to do any good work from the Lord.
Jesus relied on God during His ministry on earth. ……. “The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority, but the Father who dwells in Me does the work (John 14:10b). Every believer has been entrusted as a minister of the gospel to the lost world, but we cannot do it with our strength and abilities, we have to rely on God who is the source of all things.
Sometimes fear prevents us from entrusting our lives with God. We think of God not answering our request promptly or may not be interested in what’s going on in our lives or the problem is too small and insignificant for Him. God is interested in us and wants us to trust Him with our whole life.
Let’s consider when God told Abram (when his name has not yet been changed to Abraham), to leave his country, family and father’s house to a land that He will show him. Abram believed and relied on God to take care of him even though he did not have the full picture or where God was taking him.
And God said to Abram, Do not be afraid, “I am your shield and exceedingly great reward (Genesis 15:1). Fear comes when we take our eyes off of the One who promises and begin to worry about the promise.
Know that God is your shield and exceedingly great reward, your Protector and Provider.
Consider this:
- Are you depending on your connections and strength to live a good life?
- Why is it difficult to trust God with your life?
Prayer: Father, I thank for my life. You are the vine, and I am the branch, help me to abide in You to bear much fruit with my life for Your glory. Amen!
Read: John 15:1-17