Why We Need The Word
Many a time, people ask this question, why do I need the word of God? This devotion will give you answers to this questions.
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16)
The Bible is good for all things, for saving us, teaching us, correcting us, restoring us, and training us, because it is from God. As the inspiration of God, the Scriptures are nothing less than His very breath. God’s Spirit so infused and influenced the biblical writers that they recorded God’s own words. This does not negate the fact that human authors wrote Scripture. They often researched or interviewed eyewitnesses (Luke 1:1-4). We can even distinguish the styles and personalities of different authors, such as Paul and John. Still, what they wrote was nothing less than the very words of God.
Just as Jesus was fully man and fully God, the Bible is both a divine and human book. With Almighty God as its Originator, it is completely true, without error in its original form, and thoroughly trustworthy.
The whole Bible is God’s final authority for life and ministry. Because it is God-breathed (given by inspiration), it is authoritative without error (inerrant), and infallible (it always tells the truth).
It is not enough to believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God if it does not accomplish its purpose in transforming us. The impact of Scripture is that it makes people complete and thoroughly equipped, spiritually proficient, prepared, and productive, and able to accomplish every good work that God desires.
The mature and stable Christian is characterized by an intimate knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and a life that lives this out day by day.
Consider this:
- How do you know that the Bible can change your life?
- How often do you read the Bible?
Prayer: Father, I thank You for your Word that equips me to be productive and prepares me for life. Help me to allow your word to transform my life. Amen!
Read: 2 Timothy 3:1-16

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