5 Ways to Change Wrong Thoughts
Your life is connected to the way you think, and making an effort to change your way of thinking will bring a total change to your life.
How your mind set is formed
There are two separate minds that create the human controlling voice. There is a conscious mind that can think freely and create new ideas ‘out of the box’.
The subconscious mind basically is an already programmed database of behaviors, which we mostly acquire before we reached the age of six. The subconscious mind moves with it fixed program – it automatically reacts to situations with its previously stored behavior responses.
It works without knowledge or control of the conscious mind. This is why we generally unaware of our behavior. In fact most of the time we are not even aware that we are acting unconsciously. And it seems that the unconscious mind is running us on its automatic pilot mode, 95% of the time.
1) You change your life by changing your thought
Your life today reflects your unconscious programming. Your mind will follow your thoughts. And most of the programs your unconscious mind runs are based in negativity. How do I get out of this endless cycle of old programs and start to be more in the conscious mind?
Know who you are in Christ. You bear the image of God, and you’ve His DNA in you. Accept this fact about your life and draw closer to God, begin to see things as God sees them, think positively about your life and things around you.
He created you for His pleasure and purposes. You have His seed of greatness in you to do the impossible. Return to Him, lean on Him, trust and have confidence in Him for He has all the answers to your life.
2) Be dissatisfied with your way of life
Get fed up with the way you are living and be eager for a change. Nothing happens until you become dissatisfied with your way of life Luke 15:13-24, this is where transformation starts.
You may feel overwhelmed with work, marriage, children and frustrated all the time. It’s time to break this barrier from your mind and begin to accept that you’re a possibility.
Re-condition your mind and don’t let your limited environment prevent you from receiving your freedom in Christ. Nothing will happen until you change your mind.
3) Decide to come out of that lifestyle by surrendering your life to God
This is how sometimes you think; ‘I love doing it my own way’, not living God’s way, thinking ‘I know what is best for my life’. ‘I need to be doing it to protect all of my fears, trying to control everything around me even, though I know I can’t control it’.
And in doing so, you get tired of controlling everything. Isaiah 1:16. Whenever you feel far from God, check yourself, you may have given your love to something else either than God, making those things idol in your life. God doesn’t move, we move. God is always waiting on us to come back to Him.
Surrender to Him, give Him your all!
4) Change your way of thinking
You can change your way of thinking by making an effort to do so. A man’s life is what His thoughts make of it. The way you think determines the way you feel and the way you feel determines the way you act.
The way you feel begins with the thoughts, feeling anxious, frustrated, defeated, depressed, all starts with a thought. You’ll make a mistake by adopting this environment.
If you can change the way you think, you can change the way you feel and can change the way you act. Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ (1Peter 1:13).
5) Take Control of your mind
It’s a breakthrough to discover that you are the master of your mind not the other way round. You constantly have to protect and guide your mind from allowing it to get out of control.
You will experience some positive energy from within to do what you couldn’t have done before when your mind is guided by the Lord. And taking time to study the Bible will give you all the answers of life and help you to reprogram your mind, position you strategically to recover your dignity and the lost glory.
You have a hundred percentage control over your mind. The negative behaviors deprive you of the energy to do anything positive and to achieve your purpose in life. Your transformation begins by renewing your mind every day with the word of God and right thinking.