Eternity in Our Hearts
Do you feel some emptiness in your heart and wants to find solution to it? Here is how to find out about that eternity in our hearts.
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He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end (Ecclesiastes 3:11).
Life is like the blink of an eye compared to the scale of eternity. Life certainly does have meaning – God created it and uses it to accomplish His purposes.
But the shortness of our years is a strong reminder not to seek ultimate meaning in things that are “here today and gone tomorrow.” It is the reason Jesus counseled against laying up treasures on earth opposed to heaven (Matthew 6:19-20).
What God has put in the human heart (eternity) cannot be discovered or fulfilled through the experiences of this world because people are made for the next (Romans 8:22). Still, God has bestowed opportunities that He intends for His people to redeem. Those who act redemptively even in difficult times discover that God’s plan is good.
Solomon points out the irony that people want – even crave – to understand ultimate realities, and yet they can never figure out life using their minds alone. In fact, the farther we drift from a day-by-day, faith-walk with Christ, the more frustration and confusion we will experience.
Without that eternal dimension, we will always be looking for substitutes-shallow stand-ins for God that only make us feel emptier than ever.
Our head might tell us we need a vacation, a hobby, a new car, a night on the town, or a new romance to bring life back into our days. But those fixes are temporary at best. The only venture that will satisfy us to our very core is to reconnect with the Creator who loves us and the Savior who died for us. The good news is, He is right at the door-and knocking.
5 Ways to Live a Satisfied Life
- Surrender your life to Christ.
- Have a personal relationship with Christ.
- See your life as a gift from God
- Depend on God to supply your needs.
- See God as the source of your life.
It is better to place one’s hope in the Person and promises of God than in anything this world has to offer
Consider this:
- Do you depend on your Creator to satisfy your longing
- Where are you laying your treasure, in heaven or on earth?
Prayer: Father, thank You for your promises which gives me hope for the future and that You are the only one who can satisfy me
Read: Ecclesiastes 2:1-11