Having Relationship with God
Having relationship with God begins with knowing the love of God and who He is. Here is how to have a true relationship with God.
That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death (Philippians 3:10).

There are a lot of people that have wrong impression of God. As a matter of fact most people think that God is mad at them.
They don’t doubt the existence of God, or what He is could do, but thinks that God is harsh and demanding. And your impression of God will affect your relationship with Him, you can’t have a good relationship with the person you misunderstand.
If someone speaks evil about you and criticizes you of how terrible a person you are and if someone hears that stuff and listens to it, it will be impossible for such a person to have a good relationship with you, thinking that is how you are.
You can’t have a relationship with a person who is misrepresented. And God has been misrepresented by most Christians and churches. We mostly think that we have to do something to gain His love or blessing, but God’s love is unconditional.
Most people have taken specifically the old covenant and thought that God is harsh. This is the way that God was and has given them an impression that God was harsh and demand things and if you got out of line He will strike you and hit you with sicknesses and diseases.
Yes, there are examples of those things happening in the OT. But now with new covenant believers in Christ, we are no more under the law, Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law and paid for our punishment (Galatians 3:13).
Sins were not imputed for 2,000 years before the law was given. This shows that God’s first reaction to our sins was not to put down rules and regulations. There is a reason why He gave the law and started punishing and releasing His wrath on people but that is not the true nature of God. The Bible says in 1 John 4:8b; God is love, that is the true nature of God. God did not want to impute our sins on us, He wanted to deal with us with mercy and grace.
5 Ways to Have Relationship with God
- Know that God is love.
- God is not imputing your sins on you
- Know the true nature of God
- You are no more under the law
- Jesus is the perfect representation of God.
Understanding the nature of God will give you confidence in the goodness of God.
Consider this:
- Which covenant do you feel you are living under? Is it the old covenant of judgement or the new covenant of grace?
- Have you seen God’s goodness operating in your life
Prayer: Father, I thank You for Your mercy and grace. Forgive me of any wrong impression I have has about You, help me to receive the freedom I have in Christ. Amen!
Read: Galatians 3:19-29