How Does Revival Begins?
As one may ask, how does revival begins? Revival begins with you and me. It begins with when we take the word of God and run with it together with the help of the Holy Spirit.
In the first year of his reign, in the first month, he opened the doors of the house of the LORD and repaired them (2Chron. 29:3).
Hezekiah showed an urgency in restoring worship of the Lord in the temple by beginning its repairs in the first month of his reign. The worship of God had been interrupted.
Revival often begins in times of moral decay. God always uses someone somewhere to kindle such an awakening-a person with a clean spirit who is indwelt by God’s spirit. What made Hezekiah stand out was his intensity and his urgency. He sought the Lord with all of his heart, his soul, and his strength (Deu. 6:5). This is the recipe for revival in all times.
Revival is characterized by a return to sanctification. The fate of any nation depends in part on the sanctity of its spiritual leaders. In our day, the place of worship is not represented by a building but by our personal holiness before God. So when God brings revival to our lives, one of the first things He will do is clean out the rubbish from our hearts so that we will be sanctified and purified before Him, able to worship in Spirit and in truth.
Revival is characterized by a return to the central message of salvation and the study of the Scriptures (2Chron. 30:16; 30:22; 31:3-4, 21). They opened the Scriptures to determine what God wanted them to do, and then they did it. A revival that does not rest squarely on the Word of God will fade into futility or turn into a display of emotionalism and sensationalism.
Revival is also characterized by a return to stewardship. Like so many practices under the evil kings, tithing had been neglected (Deut. 14:22-28). The people brought so much that the tithes were piled in heaps. A failure to give to God is a mark of spiritual emptiness. To love Jesus, His Word, His people, and His work yields an increasing desire to give abundantly. (2Chron. 31:6-7).
Consider this: Are you available for God to use?
Prayer: Father, I thank you for Your Son, who willingly gave Himself for me. Help me live my life to please you and ready for your use.
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