Who is the Lord of Your Life?
Who is the Lord of your life? We turn to approach Lordship as something theological. We can easily say, Jesus is my Lord, but the reality is many of us are living with different lords, in other words, other things are ruling our lives, so when we proclaim Jesus we may consciously or unconsciously submitting to the lords or other rulers of our lives.
![Who is the Lord of Your Life?](https://mycelamensah.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Blog-post-2-683x1024.png)
In Romans 6:16 the Bible says, “Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness.”
In other words, in life, we have many options which we can submit ourselves to, knowingly or unknowingly to that influence and allow that influence to limit or confine our lives to much smaller realm that God has in mind for us. We become slaves to what we submit to.
So you become slave to whatever you choose to or submit yourself to, to allow to have influence over your life. We can be talking about addictions, anger management problems, poverty mentality, sickness and doctor’s report.
Whatever we bow the knee to or whatever has major influence in our lives, defines our lives and constrains our lives or put limitations on our lives, those things has become our lords.
Maybe you haven’t thought about it this way. If sickness and doctors has become our lords, we have a problem. We got to understand when we say Jesus is Lord, that means we are saying that Jesus is the Lord over our health, our finances, our marriage, our home, and the way we raise your children.
Who Really is Your Lord or Who are Your lords?
What have you allowed to have major influence in your life? Just saying Jesus is Lord is not enough. Lordship is both theological and practical. I’m not denying that we all believe that Jesus is Lord, but the practical end of that is, how are you living it?
Is He the Lord of your life or other things are the lord of your life?
In John 5:1-9, is the story of a man who was sick for thirty- eight (38) years and was always laid at pool called in Hebrew, Bethesda, having five porches with other multitude of sick people, the blind, lame, paralyzed, all waiting for an angel to move the water at a certain time to get their healing.
Now this is interesting, because Jesus was quite famous and multitude who were following Him all over Israel were getting healed, which means in the pool of Bethesda, the sick people were not seeking after Jesus or looking after Jesus, they were looking at something else for their healing.
Lordship, this man has been sick for thirty-eight (38) years and probably most of that time, he has been carried daily by friends and family members to the pool of Bethesda and He is put down in a certain spot and his sick friends from various places around him.
So we assume that many cultures have been developed over the decades, and these people know each other, and they play cards, they read the newspapers and people bring them food and so there is a whole culture here. This man has submitted to the lordship of chronic sickness and his expectation is, this is my life and so that is a lord in his life.
He has submitted to a superstition, or to the lordship of bad teaching, however way you want to put it. But something was ruling over his concept of God, his concept of how healing take place or doesn’t take place.
There are so many Christians that has a lordship of bad teaching, they even believe that God will heal them, He could but He would not, that’s a false lord. Because the decision to heal all has already been made (1 Peter 2:24). God is not making this decision know, one day He feel like it, the next day He doesn’t.
You can discover who you are in Christ in my book; Discover to Recover!
It’s a bad teaching! Bad concept of God! False Lord! Because it is making people to submit to doubt and unbelief, and the fact that God moves on a whim, and sends angels on a whim perhaps someone may get healed. it’s a false teaching, superstition and tradition of men.
First of all he submitted to the lordship of his own sickness and the bad teaching of people and those things are defining his life. I want you to understand what I’m trying to say here, his life has been limited by wrong thinking and by the lordships he has allowed to take over his life.
So his life is pattern before him everyday, the same people bringing him everyday and come pick him up everyday, bring him food and he has the same friends, he has a pattern of life that has become his lord, this routine has become his lord, a superstition has become his lord.
Submitted to a Wrong Concept of God
You can submit to a wrong concept about God if you don’t know the word, the promises of God, His covenant and doesn’t know that in the Lord, there are ways to be healed. You may live for other lords, and those lords will dominate your life.
In the dimension of the new covenant, because Christians has been afflicted for so long, they don’t expect to be healed, they hope for it in a canal way, but the attitude is ‘whatever will be will be.’ So that has become the lord in their lives and the bad teaching of it is, if it’s be His will I will be healed.
These things have restricted and defined and limited lives. Anything that is limiting your life is a false lord. Healing is available this moments, but it could be that there are some lords out there that are in the way, that we knowingly or unknowingly have bowed the knee to.
And we are allowing those lords to define the limits and definitions and the potentials of our lives. And once you recognize that you have been submitting to this, you have allowed this to be the lord of my life, whatever that may be, try to overcome it.
So when you can begin to identify these things which has become lords of your life, it could be the doctor’s report, it could be medical science, this is the way I have always lived, this is genetic, my family has always have this, all of these things are lords and ain’t Jesus.
And as long as you are wiling to submit to other lords, the lordship of Jesus is simply a theology, it’s not real. Not that you’re not born again, you’re not living like it if you have limiting lords in your life.
Who or What is Your Lord?
What is lording over you? Some of us food is our lord, we can’t just break an addiction to food or bad food. Some of us TV is our lord, some pornography is our lord, some of us people’s opinions is our lord, finances or lack of finances has become our lord. Education or lack of education is our lord,
We can start going down the list, and find out what is limiting our lives that we have bow the knee to and really not letting Jesus to be Lord. And some of those things may be the reason why healing in various areas of lives is not forth coming, because we haven’t allowed Jesus to be the Lord of our lives and bodies.
What is Exercising Authority Over Your Life?
In Matthew 20:25, it says; “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them.”
So what is exercising authority over your life? Is it the word of God, and the promises of God? Because whatever that is, is the lord over your life and you have become a slave to that lord. You always have to walk in authority and the finished work of Jesus to finish your course. You can’t have other bench of lords in the way.
We need to start knocking down some of these things that are restricting our lives and stealing from us.
Who have You given Authority to?
We need the doctors in our lives. But is your doctor your lord or your servant? I believe a doctor can serve you, but the moment he becomes your lord, you are in a bad place. The moment his word is the final word, you are in a bad place.
Now, we need doctors to serve us at times but when their words become lordship in your spirit, you must not submit to that. We all need the doctor for maintenance just as the car but they shouldn’t be your lord. Once his word becomes the last word and you bow your knees to, you are going to harvest whatever they say.
Is your bank account your lord? Is your salary or your lack of income lording it over you and defining the limit of your faith. Anything that restricts the limit of your faith is a false lord. We got to determine what has authority in our lives. The vision of God, the promises of God or a bank account or the doctor’s report? Who have we given authority to?
Is Fear a lord in Your Life?
Are you constrain by fear and there is no faith in your heart or you are not activating the faith in your heart if you are born again? So you let fear determine how far you can go, how you live, where you live, what you do and when you will do it. So many people live in fear. The power of fear can be a lord in your life.
9 Points to Consider
- Is circumstances your lord or are you lord over circumstances?
- Is the past your lord? You often say, if you only knew what I have done, if you knew my story you will know why I don’t do this or that. If you are allowing your past to be your lord, you will never accomplish God’s purpose for your life.
- Is there something you have allowed to limit your life, steal your future and to steal your health?
- False lords can be knocked over, they can be done away with and the truth will set your free if you get a hold of this revelation.
- Anything that influences, limits, kindles and binds you is the lord you have allowed.
- Jesus wants to be the Lord of your life (Philippians 2:11). He wants you to cast aside the garment of your old identity, cast aside the fear of the critics, people’s opinions, superstition, bad teachings and all that want to restrict you and keep you sick, down and keep you out.
- The Lordship of Christ will lift you up, will heal you and set you on your eternal course, that’s the Lordship of Christ and it will set you free.
- God wants you to enjoy the same quality of life that He enjoys, that He has given us promises not limitations, not fear but faith.
- Jesus Christ has delivered us. Is He your Lord?
We have been translated from the dominion of other lords into the dominion of Jesus Christ. His Lordship is all about you, to be completely whole, completely healthy, completely full of God’s purpose, full of God’s joy and peace, that’s Lordship, anything less is a false lord.
Resources to help you find out who you are and encouragement.
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