Words And It Impact
Words that come out of your mouth can make or break you. Here is how your words and it impact affect your life and your hearers.
Words! Use them right and they’ll move mountains. Use them wrong and they can cause your entire life to go up in smoke.
Words that come out of you will make or break you, it has an impact on your life and others around you. Words are powerful, you possess what you confess.

It will either add to your life or take something from it, for your words has consequences. Your words can create or destroy a life. A word has a negative or positive impact on your life and leaves a blessing or a curse.
Don’t ever underestimate the power of your words. Satan doesn’t. He works constantly to get you to turn them in a negative direction. He’ll fire darts of pain and sickness and discouragement at you just to get you to speak faithless words-words that will eventually send your life up in smoke. Don’t let him succeed!
God spoke into existence everything we see around us, creating the earth with His words and everything was just as He said it. “Then God said, “Let there be light” and there was light (Genesis 1:3).”
He created us in His image and has given us this authority and creative power to speak things into existence.
Therefore, the power and authority to create with words has been given to man and makes us accountable for our words.
God expects you to use your words to create, to build, to motivate, to encourage, to heal, to accomplish the impossible not to curse and destroy lives. If negative words can affect your life why don’t you speak positively over your life to bring the change you need?
Your Words Have Impact
She was very friendly and quite respectful when I met her. But in her youthful age, she was a strong-willed person that even the parents couldn’t break into her. That is, she believed in herself and her decisions.
And because of this character, her father always had issues with her and will curse her when she refuses to accept or do what he requires.
Her father will raise insults on her and will say, “you good for nothing girl, when you marry, your husband will divorce you and will bring you back throwing your stuff at the back of my house.”
Ah! How can a father do say these words to his own daughter? You might be asking this question, right?
But this is not strange to today’s society. How many parents have not said something hurtful or cursed their children’s future with their own words? Speak positively at any time, anywhere!
So, it happened exactly as the father had said. After she got married, as a virtuous woman, she supported her unemployed husband both spiritually and physically, and God blessed him with a good job. Their marriage began to be good and enjoyable, having three adorable children.
As the husband’s job expanded, she decided to educate herself in other to support him with his administration work. That was when her problems started.
So she got admission to an adult school and it was there that she met this lady and they became friends. Little did she know that her friendship with this lady was the beginning of destruction and the end of her marriage and end her own life as well.
She introduced this friend to her husband and that was all that was needed to break her marriage and bring to pass what the father had spoken over her life when was young.
This new friend snatched her husband, married him. The husband did not want to have anything to do with her. He packed her belongings and left them at the back of her father’s house, exactly what the father said when she was young.

Words are a creative force so be careful what you say to yourself, your children and relations, for words are powerful. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit, (Proverbs 18:21).”
Your Words Identifies Who You Are
Your words are your identity code, which portrays who you are on the inside. The first impression people get about you is when they interacted with you, which portrays whether you have a good character or not. “Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man, but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man” (Matthew 15:11).
Words expose the strength and vulnerability of a person and it can also improve or destroy whoever is listening to it. Words spoken can never be retrieved back, once spoken; it registers in the hearer’s mind stirs up emotions especially when it is negative or insults.
Six Ways Take Authority Over Your Life With Your Words
- Take the promises of God’s word and confess it over your life and children’s life every day.
- When someone says something negative about you, immediately refuse those words.
- No matter how your children provoke you, never curse them with your words.
- Pray against foundational words spoken over you by parents, grandparents, class teachers, family members or other people.
- Let your words be seasoned with blessings.
- Every morning make positive declarations over your life and the life of your children.
Because words have a spiritual effect, once spoken it enters the spiritual realms and begins to operate from there to the physical. When it’s positive, the Holy Spirit empowers you with those words to do greater things but when it is negative the demons take it up and use it against you emotionally and demonize you making you feel hopeless.