Revival Begins with You
Do you want to see revival in your church and relationships but don’t how? Here is how to find out that revival begins with you.

And all Judah rejoiced at the oath, for they had sworn with all their heart and sought Him with all their soul, and He was found by them and the LORD, gave them rest all around (2 Chronicles 15:15).
Every corporate revival requires at least one spiritual person who begins to use the authority and power God has already given us, when we became born again.
Asa fostered revival in his nation. First he removed the abominable idols. Second, he restored all the altar of the Lord. Third, he resembled (unified) his people. As a result, God granted them rest all around. Three components of revival are reflected here; Repentance and confession; restoring worship and teaching, unifying the people before God.
When revival breaks out in a church, two things happen:
- The word gets out in the community. Suddenly, people who have been seeking the blessing of God begin to hear it, and they start to gather where God is at work. That is what happened in Asa’s revival. It was so powerful that even the people from the northern kingdom, “came over to him in great numbers” to join in the worship.
- Relationships are tested. When God takes hold of our lives and we give everything unreservedly to Him, He often puts His finger on our relationships. Family relationships. Dating relationships. Business relationships. God will not give Himself totally to us if we withhold anything from Him. Once Asa dealt with the sin within his own family, God could bless him fully. (2 Chronicles 15:16).
If we want revival, it can happen today as we study the Word, not just to know what it says but to practice what it means. This is how God renews us.
A spiritual person will have a spiritual hunger when you commits yourself to following God!
Consider this:
- Are you seeking God with all your heart and soul?
- When was the last time you saw any revival in your life or church?
Prayer: Father, You deserve all worship, honor, and adoration! Thank You for making me realize that You have already empowered me to start a revival. Amen!
Read: 2 Chronicles 15:1-19
You are a watchman of God and He wants you to arise and speak His Word to the world.
Discover your potential by getting my book “Discover to Recover: How to identify your potential by changing your mindset!”