A Doer and not a Hearer Only
How often do you listen to the Word and when you are faced with a challenge, you forget what the Word says? Here is how to be a doer and not a hearer only.
So they come to you as people do, they sit before you as My people, and they hear your words, but they do not do them; for with their mouth they show much love, but their hearts pursue their own gain (Ezekiel 33:31).

The human heart is so corrupt that it can listen to the true, unadulterated Word of God for week upon week and year after year, and yet never let it seep down into the soul where it can take root and start to produce a crop of righteousness. Many are the people who love to hear good preaching, yet who have no intention of putting it into practice. We must remember that the blessed ones are not those who merely hear the Word, but who also obey it.
How many of us have listen to a sermon or a preaching and get so charged up to live by what we heard, but before we get home from church or the very next day we forget the word preached, especially when something challenging our faith happens?
Simply listening to the Word of God has no lasting value. When you open the Bible, you must intend to do what it says. The Bible is more than a book to carry to church. It gives its readers a way to follow the heart of God and the footsteps of Jesus.
The Greek word for hearer is someone who merely sits in a class to gain information but never interacts with the material. God wants His people to go beyond auditing to obeying His Word. Causal hearers simply glance at the high points of God’s Word and then go about their way like tourists. Careful hearers mine God’s Word like gold miners and return with new and life-changing treasures. The Bible must have a continuing affect and effect on the life of the believer.
The God who put the stars, sun, and moon in their places faithfully presides over His children’s lives and provides everything good!
Consider this:
- Are you a hearer of the Word or a doer?
- Is your heart pursuing your own gain?
Prayer: Father, thank You for making Your word available to me to learn the truth about You. Lord, help me to be a doer of your word and not just a hearer whose heart pursues his/her own gain. Amen!
Read: Ezekiel 33:30-33