By Faith we Understand God
Do you sometimes doubt whether your prayers are answered or not? By faith we understand that God has already made provision for all our needs.
But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).

By faith we believe that God is the perfect Father who keeps His promises and never disappoint. Faith treats the things hoped for as a fact and places confidence today in what has been promised for the future. It is an absolute conviction, based on the assurance of God’s unchangeable and perfect character, that God’s promises will be fulfilled. For unbelievers, “Seeing is believing.” For the believer, “Believing is seeing.”
The book of Hebrews 11 records the faithful men and women in the OT who received a good testimony. It was a divine commendation for their faith, evidenced in their bold acts of trust in the Lord. We are reminded here that only by faith can a person please God.
Not only does faith bring insight and confidence that are otherwise unavailable, the believer must have it to even please God. True faith is not just a passive belief that He exists (although that is essential); it also actively seeking Him and His will and looks to the future, boldly believing that God will reward His faithful people.
Enoch was seventh in the line of Adam and the great-grand-father of Noah. Genesis says he “he walked with God” (Gen. 5:21-24); meaning he pleased God. Enoch lived in a time of wicked rebellion that would climax the Flood. Yet he was faithful to God and in constant relationship with Him all of his days. Unlike Abel, Enoch did not see death. It seems we are in the same era as Enoch if not worse, but as a believer do you have constant relationship with God and remain faithful to Him no matter what everyone else is doing?
Consider this:
- Can you trust God with your uncertainties?
- Do you have confidence in God to fulfill His promises concerning your life?
Prayer: Father, You are awesome in all Your ways! Increase my faith and trust in You that I may please You in all I do.
Read: Hebrews 11:1-10