Dwell and Live in the True Vine
Do you know that Christ is the true vine and we are the branches? You can only enjoy life when you dwell and live in the true vine. Find out how!
I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. “Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away,” and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit (John 15:1).

One evening, I was sitting on a deck outside and a branch from one of the trees broke off. God used that to make me understand this Scripture (John 15:1-9). After few days, I saw the branch that fell withering and was not useful anymore not even to the birds and other animals they were attracted to and dwell on the branches abiding in the vine.
We are nothing without abiding, dwelling, and living in the true vine, Christ. Dwelling and living in Christ is not only to receive your salvation but seeing Him as the source of every aspect of your life.
As the true vine, Jesus is the source of all life. Jesus identifies two types of branches: fruit bearing and barren. Appearance can be deceptive. The ones not bearing fruit may look like the other branches for a while, but their failure to yield any harvest shows that they are not. These will be removed and thrown in the fire on the last day.
In the OT, the vine often represented Israel but usually in the negative sense, depicting Israel as unfruitful (Isa. 5:4). Israel’s purpose was to bear the fruit of justice and righteousness. Believers in all times are the fruit-bearing branch referred here.
Branches cannot bear fruit independent of the vine. The fundamental truth of being a Christian is that one must be connected to (abide in) Jesus. This teaching of unfruitful branches is not a reference to believers losing their salvation, branches that are cast out are nonbelievers whose eventual destiny is fire.
You can only abide in Christ when you receive Him into your life! Believers enjoy a reciprocal relationship with God.
Consider this:
- Is Christ the source of everything in your life?
- Are you connected to the true vine who is Christ?
Prayer: Father, early in the morning will I seek You! Help me to dwell in and live in You so that I can bear fruit, vitally united to You. Amen!
Read: John 15:1-10