Pray with Confidence
How do you respond to problems when they happen? Do you go to God and pray with confidence believing and trusting in Him to help you?

So the LORD struck the Ethiopians before Asa and Judah, and the Ethiopians fled (2 Chronicles 14:12).
In the history of Israel, the Ethiopians were regarded as powerful warriors; therefore, their defeat demonstrated the mighty power of God. God not only defended Judah, but also helped Asa conquer all the cities around Gerar, located near the Egyptian border, all because Asa trust in God and prayed with confidence.
When Asa faced an army from Ethiopia that was twice as big as his army, he cried out to the Lord in prayer. The prayer of Asa, one of the truly great prayers in the Bible, contains the four basic elements of victory for any Christian.
- Absolute confidence in God: One million against 500,000 is not a very good ratio. But the ratio does not count when God is with you.
- Absolute commitment to God: It is one thing to believe that God can accomplish a particular purpose. It is quite another thing to commit yourself to God so that He might.
- Absolute courage: Asa learned that the name of the Lord has strength. And when we go forward in the name of the Lord, we go forward in power and in strength to do the work of God.
- Absolute concern for God: If we were in a similar position, we might pray, “God let no one prevail against us.” But Asa had already given the battle to the Lord; now he was concerned about God.
The Bible says in Jeremiah 17:7, blessed is the man who believes in, trusts in, and relies on the Lord, and whose hope and confidence the Lord is. Whenever you pray, let all the above come into play. Don’t just recite routine prayers without making sure that they spring from the heart.
God’s people must live in the power of God’s strength!
Consider this:
- Do you pray with confidence, believing that God is able to help you?
- Is there anything too hard for God?
Prayer: Father, You deserve all the glory! I know You love me and hears me when I pray, because Your hands are not shortened that it cannot save, nor Your ear heavy that it cannot hear. The problem is my unbelieve, so help me to believe. Amen!
Read: Matthew 6:5-13
It is not over with your life yet, trust God!
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