Understanding the True Nature of God

Do you feel like you have accumulated much information about God but lack a relationship with Him? Understanding the true nature of God? Find out how.
But let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the LORD, exercising lovingkindness, judgement, and righteousness in the earth, for in these I delight, says the LORD (Jeremiah 9:24).
If a person knows God and understands Him as the wonderful Father that He is, there would be no trouble believing Him and His Word.
The teachings of faith and the emphasis of confessing His Word to bring faith has been widely thought by the church in the recent years. I believe in speaking what God’s Word says, and believers have to have faith in God. But I also believe that an important key has been missed.
Having faith in someone means developing a personal relationship with the person to the point that you know him/her so well, you just completely trust the person.
For example, when a son is been carried by his dad, he does not think of anything to earn the protection of the dad. He doesn’t have to think of whether the dad is going to drop him or not feed him. For the son, there is no striving to believe that his dad is going to be good to him, he just rests and relaxes in his loving relationship with the dad. He knows he is going to take care of him, because he knows him and his character.
In the same way, once we simply get to know God better, we will find it easy to have faith in Him to provide what we need. And because everything we receive from God comes through faith in Him (including our salvation), knowing Him intimately becomes especially important. Surely, everything we receive from God comes out of knowing Him.
A person who understands and knows God does not stop at accumulating information about God but pursues a personal relationship with Him.
Consider this:
- Do you see God as your Father?
- Have accumulated much information about God, but you don’t have a personal relationship with Him?
Prayer: Father, I thank You that You are my Father, I don’t just want to have information about you but to know You intimately, having confidence in You. Amen!
Read: Jeremiah 9:23-24, Psalm 33:16-18